PILOTING Consortium invites you to an online workshop next June 29th, as part of PILOTING project activities (https://piloting-project.eu/.
This Workshop will be oriented to present an overview of all active European Robotics & AI projects that apply Robotics and AI technologies to Inspection and Maintenance activities of any sector or application.
Then, it is a great opportunity to catch, in a single day, the leading innovative robotic technologies that are being developed for I&M industry.
The agenda of the webinar is the following:
• 10:00-10:15 Welcome
• 10:15-10:30 Multidomain
10:15-10:30 PILOTING https://piloting-project.eu/
• 10:30-11:15 Ships and Ports
10:30-10:45 ROBINS https://www.robins-project.eu
10:45-11:00 RAPID https://rapid2020.eu/
11:00-11:15 BugWright2 https://www.bugwright2.eu/
• 11:15-11:30 Electrical distribution
11:15-11:30 AERIAL-CORE https://aerial-core.eu/
• 11:30-12:15 Civil Infrastructure
11:30-11:45 RESIST https://www.resistproject.eu
11:45-12:00 PANOPTIS http://www.panoptis.eu/
12:00-12:15 OMICRON https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/955269
• 12:15-12:30 Oil&Gas sector
12:15-12:30 HYFLIERS https://www.oulu.fi/hyfliers/
• 12:30-12:45 Airports
12:30-12:45 5DAEROSAFE https://5d-aerosafe.eu/
• 12:45-13:15 Renewable energy infrastructure
12:45-13:00 DURABLE https://www.durableproject.eu/
13:00-13:15 ATLANTIS https://www.atlantis-h2020.eu
• 13:15-14:15 Promoting Robotics in I&M applications
13:15-13:30 RIMA https://rimanetwork.eu/
13:30-13:45 METRICS https://metricsproject.eu/inspection-maintenance/
13:45-14:00 AERO-TRAIN https://www.aerotrain-etn.eu/
14:00-14:15 ROBOTICS4EU https://www.robotics4eu.eu
• 14:15-14:30 Conclusions and farewell
This Workshop will be oriented to present an overview of all active European Robotics & AI projects that apply Robotics and AI technologies to Inspection and Maintenance activities of any sector or application.
Then, it is a great opportunity to catch, in a single day, the leading innovative robotic technologies that are being developed for I&M industry.
The agenda of the webinar is the following:
• 10:00-10:15 Welcome
• 10:15-10:30 Multidomain
10:15-10:30 PILOTING https://piloting-project.eu/
• 10:30-11:15 Ships and Ports
10:30-10:45 ROBINS https://www.robins-project.eu
10:45-11:00 RAPID https://rapid2020.eu/
11:00-11:15 BugWright2 https://www.bugwright2.eu/
• 11:15-11:30 Electrical distribution
11:15-11:30 AERIAL-CORE https://aerial-core.eu/
• 11:30-12:15 Civil Infrastructure
11:30-11:45 RESIST https://www.resistproject.eu
11:45-12:00 PANOPTIS http://www.panoptis.eu/
12:00-12:15 OMICRON https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/955269
• 12:15-12:30 Oil&Gas sector
12:15-12:30 HYFLIERS https://www.oulu.fi/hyfliers/
• 12:30-12:45 Airports
12:30-12:45 5DAEROSAFE https://5d-aerosafe.eu/
• 12:45-13:15 Renewable energy infrastructure
12:45-13:00 DURABLE https://www.durableproject.eu/
13:00-13:15 ATLANTIS https://www.atlantis-h2020.eu
• 13:15-14:15 Promoting Robotics in I&M applications
13:15-13:30 RIMA https://rimanetwork.eu/
13:30-13:45 METRICS https://metricsproject.eu/inspection-maintenance/
13:45-14:00 AERO-TRAIN https://www.aerotrain-etn.eu/
14:00-14:15 ROBOTICS4EU https://www.robotics4eu.eu
• 14:15-14:30 Conclusions and farewell
You can register to the workshop using the following link:
*Workshop connection details will be sent by email previously to the workshop date.
**Workshop co-organized by the euRobotics Aerial Robotics and RIMA H2020 Project (through the Inspection and Maintenance, and Aerial Robotics Topic Groups).
Best regards,
Antidio Viguria
(PILOTING Project Coordinator).